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SEI WASPP Kit 6 Lead

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a Wire Attack Special Purpose Probe, specifically for making non-invasive electrical measurements on wires.

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+ [ 6 ] black connectors

+ [ 6 ] black extenders

+ [ 1 ] SEI WASPP Pouch

Technical Specs



a Wire Attack Special Purpose Probe, specifically for making non-invasive electrical measurements on wires.

Each WASPP connector uses a bed-of-nails piercer to penetrate through wiring insulation eliminating the need for stripping the wires to make electrical measurements


• Connects to 14-32 AWG wire. 

• Positive attachment “locks” the connector to the wire. 

• “Floating” Bed-Of-Nails will not grind or break wire during attachment. 

• Extremely low insertion resistance (immeasurable with Fluke 87) 

• Completely insulated. 

• Dual Insulated (male/female) standard banana plug connection. 

• Extendable to any length for truly hands-off connectability.

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