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The Tactical Breakaway Pulley, developed in partnership with Machstem International, is made to be carried in a tactical assault loadout, with minimal space and weight.
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+ Breakaway Pulley (1)
+ Length: 2.5 in.
+ Width: 1.25 in.
+ Height: 0.6 in.
+ Weight:
Steel: 0.5 Lbs
+ Maximum Pull Weight: +200 Lbs
The Tactical Breakaway Pulley, developed in partnership with Machstem International, is made to be carried in a tactical assault loadout, with minimal space and weight. This pulley allows the operator a single change in direction per each pulley used. It does not require a wedge. All that is needed is a simple knot to be tied into the line at the desired breakaway distance.
There are no extra parts required, and no extra mechanics to reset the pulley (other than putting the line back in it, and closing it). Everything is spring loaded and automatically resets once closed.
+ Auto resets
+ Durable steel or Titanium
+ Made to work with 1/8 in. Amsteel Spectron Kevlar line
+ Does not require a wedge on the line to work
+ Can pull over 100 Lbs and still be able to break away
+ Each pulley allows one direction change in a tactical line pull while only needing a single overhand knot in the line to function.
+ WMDTech Warranty
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